One of the drawbacks to growing up is we forget how to have fun. Watch kids some time, they fight, sure. They argue and they yell and they may even share recriminations. They want to be friends one day and they hate each other the next and then they are back in each other’s pockets the next day. They can make the simplest gestures mean the greatest things. They are genuinely pleased to see each other – there is true joy in their eyes when they greet.
Learn From Our Children
Let’s learn from our children and demonstrate for our spouses the meaning of romance a day. Try to have as much fun as you can, every day and show them how much they mean to you. Do the dishes and don’t comment on it. Put away the laundry and don’t wait to be asked about it. Smile at each other – and look deeply at each other every day – like you haven’t seen each other in days.
Practice all the things you can do for your spouse to demonstrate your love – from the casual touches, the loving words and the thoughtful gestures and more. Make it a game of discovery and don’t reveal to your spouse what you are doing. Explore what pleases your spouse and what you enjoy doing.
Learning Leads to Loving and Loving Leads to Learning
I used to joke when my husband and I were first together, that every day was a new learning experience. The thing is – that’s true – it’s not a joke so much as it is reality. As long as we’re enjoying that period of discovery – we’re thrilled in each and every thing we do together. It’s when we stop looking and exploring and discovering and we allow our perspectives and our observations to be clouded by the doldrums of everyday living that we run into trouble.
When we look for something negative, we are bound to find it. There’s an old saying, when we’re told something is bad, we almost never question it – because the horrible is easy to believe – especially when we have come to expect the negative.
But when it comes to the truly great things or even good things, we always question it because that’s so hard to believe. If you’ve reached a point in your marriage that the good things are something you question, it’s really time to discover how to find those positive things again. So make a commitment today to romance, positive things and a journey of discovery – it may be the best thing you and your spouse ever do for each other.
Have you done something romantic for your spouse today?
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