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RS/EQ: Revelation – A Continuous Melody and a Thunderous Appeal

This week’s lesson from the Spencer W. Kimball manual was entitled “Revelation – A Continuous Melody and a Thunderous Appeal” and is lesson twenty-two. In this portion of the book, we read about a press conference held at the Arizona temple visitors’ center. A reporter asked him if God truly did speak to him. President Kimball was quick to answer that yes, indeed, he did speak to God as His prophet. No hesitation on his part whatsoever – he bore his testimony of continuing revelation. He says, “The blessing of revelation is one that all should seek for.”

There are those who believe that the heavens are silent, but the members of the Church believe differently. President Kimball says that the Father and the Son are eager to converse with us, and to do so constantly. They are most certainly not silent.

He goes on to say that there are many who claim to have no proof of God, and that thereby, they reject the idea of God. He says this is foolishness – we cannot prove God the way we can other things. He cannot be found through research or study alone. The things of God must be felt through the Spirit.

Most of the time, we receive revelation in quiet ways. Some expect a spectacular display of power when God speaks to His children, but if you spend your time expecting the spectacular, you might miss the quiet whispers that come to you. Some receive inspiration through dreams or by hearing a voice in their minds. Most people will have a feeling in their heart, one of peace or one of disquiet. That feeling of peace is the indication that you are on the right path. You don’t need a spectacular event to happen in order to have a sweet feeling of peace enter your heart.

We keep ourselves ready to receive revelation as we obey the commandments honestly. The Lord will not force anyone to commune with Him, and if we choose to block Him out, He will not send the revelations to us. When we are righteous, we are showing Him our desire to spiritually converse with Him.

The Lord will always give us answers to our prayers. If we will take the time to draw near to Him through righteous living, prayer and scripture study, we will be able to hear those answers and have the guidance of the Lord in our lives.

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