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RS/EQ: The Organization and Destiny of the True and Living Church

Backtracking a bit to catch up, lesson #11 in the Joseph Smith manual for this year’s course of study is entitled, “The Organization and Destiny of the True and Living Church.” After the Book of Mormon was completely translated, Joseph Smith took it in to be published. Seven months later, it was ready to be distributed, and at this time, he set about officially organizing the Church. This took place in Fayette, New York, with sixty people present, crowded into a very small room. Joseph knew the Church would not always remain so small—he had seen the future of the Church in vision and knew that it would someday fill the whole earth.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is organized according to the order of God. Christ is the chief cornerstone. He is the reason behind everything we do. We patterned the organization of the modern church after Him – He called twelve apostles and He ordained them. He ordained evangelists. We call them patriarchs today, but the change in name doesn’t change their role in the Church. He established His church on earth the way He wanted it, and when Joseph Smith restored that church, he set it up the same way, according to God’s directions.

As the gospel goes forth in the world, no unhallowed hand can stop the work. Missionaries will someday be allowed into every country, until every person will have had the opportunity to hear the gospel, and choose whether to accept or reject it. It is only when every person has had this opportunity that the Lord will say the work is done.

As members of the Church, we have the responsibility to help it reach that potential. We can do missionary work, we can raise our own families in righteousness. We should all make the advancement of Zion our business. We should always sustain and defend the Kingdom of God.

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