It’s hardly surprising in a world where uncertainty seems to be becoming the watch word whether worried about the military action in Iraq, Afghanistan and other hot spots or facing economic hardships at home – adding a little excitement and spice in our marriages is more important than ever. So it’s important to recognize what the rules of romance are so that you and your spouse can make the best of your marriage together.
Rules of Romance
The first rule of romance is an easy one – or at least it should be. The first rule of romance is to know and understand what it is your spouse enjoys and likes. What you consider romantic may not be what your spouse does – so by knowing what it is they like – you are giving yourself the inside track to pleasing them. Flowers and candy are great, but if your spouse would rather just snuggle together and enjoy a quiet evening watching a favorite movie – these are great things to know.
In fact, one of the things I used to tell my husband is that the most romantic thing he could do for me would be to take care of all my early morning obligations so I could sleep in. One of the most romantic things he enjoys is having his breakfast food prepared for him. As he says, there’s nothing like waking up to the smell of sizzling bacon!
The Second Rule of Romance
Romance is not just in our actions and our words, but also in how we think. It’s far too common to get so busy running around that you forget to think in a romantic way. When you think about your spouse, try to always think of something that makes you smile first. You want those positive feels associated with the person you love. Don’t get so caught up that the idea of taking a few minutes to slow down and enjoy them becomes a chore and not something you enjoy.
Am I saying that romance is a state of mind? Absolutely. I know how busy it gets around here and sometimes it would just be easy to blow off sitting down together for a few minutes to talk because I wanted to take those same few minutes to myself or to get something done. Those thoughts indicate your spouse’s needs or desires are an inconvenience – change your mind set on that and you’ll find the romantic thoughts are easier and the romantic actions are even easier.
Nothing More Romantic than Humor
They don’t call them romantic comedies for nothing. Humor is a vital ingredient in any relationship – marriage included. The family that laughs together stays together. Look for the laughter in your lives, look for the fun and the amusement and the entertainment. The couple that enjoys each other and enjoys life together are not only likely to stay together, they will be happier about it.
What romantic rules do you and your spouse follow?
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