If you have a preschooler, you likely have some permutation of a bike. Perhaps it is a little rusted and very secondhand, or maybe it is new and shiny. However, if your preschooler has some wheels you may wonder what wheels are best for riding.
If you are looking for a beginner’s bike, you may think first of the tricycle. These sturdy three-wheeled bikes are perfect for the tiny set and they are hard to tip over. They give your two-year-old or three-year-old a great start at simply pedaling around the yard or the neighborhood. Your child gets used to pedaling and moving without falling over – much. I’d love to see more tricycles built in bigger sizes, since my tall child grew out of hers at age two.
In our neighborhood, the run bike seems to be growing in popularity. This is a small two-wheeler without pedals. The idea is that children can start out quite small on the run bike, forgo most of the tricycle stage and then leap right on to a two-wheeler without training wheels at some point. These are excellent for balance, since children tend to lift their legs and coast as they ride. The downside is that children don’t get used to the feel of pedaling and moving and instead move by pushing their feet on the ground. Also, many run bikes are quite small, ideal for two and three-year-olds but not the five-year-old who is nervous to ride.
Traditionalists love the two-wheeler with training wheels. The little back wheels turn your child’s bike into a rather sturdier model, although the wheels have the tendency to lift off the ground sometimes. However, the wheels are hard to lose. Children can become accustomed to the balance that they provide and become afraid to take off the wheels and balance for themselves. My daughter only took the leap when she needed a new bike and I was too lazy to put on the training wheels for a week. Then she used her legs to balance like a run bike and she was off.
What’s your vote: run bike, tricycle, training wheels, or a bit of each? What have you used with your preschooler?
(Image courtesy of ColinBroug at Stock Exchange)