There is a Primary song about pioneers, it is talking about everything the pioneers went through and then it says, “I would like to have been a child then.” Well I can not sing this line and feel honest. There it is out. I have absolutely no desire to walk across the plains, sleep on the ground and gather up buffalo chips for fuel every day. I do not look forward to wading in rivers, washing my clothes very occasionally, or walking and walking and walking. I have no desire to give up the comforts that I enjoy today, to transfer myself back to that time so that I can prove my testimony of the gospel with great physical sacrifice. I may be the only one who feels that way, but there it is.
Truly I am grateful for the pioneers and that they lived their testimonies so fully. I marvel at the hardships and persecution that they endured, and that they still stayed faithful in trying times. Many pioneers lost family members on the trail west. It would be so incredibly difficult to leave behind the grave of a little one or your husband and continue forward. It must have been difficult to give up a good home to trek west, without a firm idea of where you are going.
We are each asked to make sacrifices in our lives as we choose to live the gospel. The sacrifices are different now. However, it is important to realize that we live in one of the most blessed times in the world. Technology and industry have made our lives much easier. We do deal with challenges that past generations have not faced in the past. We are constantly bombarded with negative media images. We are rushed and try to spread ourselves too thin, which can lead to less time together as a family. It is important to appreciate the sacrifices of those in the past. We also need to make sure we are making the right sacrifices now.
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“The Pioneer Story” a Great Resource
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