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Safe Holidays For Pets and Children

The holiday’s are such a joyful time, no one wants to think that they can also be such a hazardous time as well. Our homes are filled with things that are not usually there, Christmas trees, poinsettias, holiday foods and other decorations.

If you have a little one in the house you know how hard it can be to toddler proof your Christmas. Toddlers will pull over Christmas trees, pull tablecloths off tables and eat anything they can get their hands on. Most of us are hyper vigilant about the kids this time of year, but what about our pets?

We all know that poinsettias are poisonous but so are lilies, amaryllis, and the bulb of any plant. Bulbs are just about the worst for your furry friend, they can cause hypertension, weakness and seizures, among other things. Mistletoe and needles from the tree can cause stomach upset and all parts of the holly plant are considered toxic.

Liquid potpourri can cause oral, skin and eye damage in addition to internal problems from ingesting. Make sure your cat can’t rub up against a container with liquid potpourri because there is a chance she will get some on her fur and ingest it during grooming.

Don’t forget the things left on your tables, a bowl of chocolates may look pretty but can be fatal to your dog. A cup with an alcoholic beverage left where a toddler can reach it can cause serious problems. Also watch all medications, especially if you have guests who take many medications and are not used to small children or pets. Even Tylenol can be fatal to a cat.

Lastly, don’t forget the things outside of the house like ice melting salts and anti freeze are a hazard to children and pets.

Enjoy the holidays more by making sure your kids and pets have a safe home for the holidays.