This is the final installment of this article series and it includes a quick reference guide and some more resources to help you safely save on prescription drugs.
- Consult with your healthcare provider
- Inquire about generics, other less expensive brands, and over the counter medications
- Free samples may sound good but may not be as good a deal as you think
- Splitting pills may help you save, but only do so if advised by your physician
- If you use more than one pharmacy, make sure each one is aware of other medications
- Choose from approved providers when using Internet Pharmacies
- Check out the FDA for lots of helpful information
- Check into programs that offer prescription discounts (see below)
*For more information on any of the tips above, see related articles:
Safely Save on Prescription Drugs, Part I
Safely Save on Prescription Drugs, Part II
There are other good ways to acquire affordable prescription medications safely as well. Did you know that there are hundreds of assorted programs available to help you obtain prescription drugs at a discount, and possibly even free of charge if you qualify?
PAP stands for Prescription Assistance Program and there are many such programs available. PPA stands for Partnership for Prescription Assistance. The Partnership, which opened in April 2005, was developed to help people in need find programs that best suit them and learn how to qualify for assistance. With just one simple phone call, consumers can find information on hundreds of different programs, many of which are provided by pharmaceutical companies. If you need assistance with government prescription programs, or would like to learn about free health clinics in your area, you can also get this information from PPA. To find out more, please visit the PPA website or call their toll free number (888) 477-2669.