Another important asset is helping to make our homes, schools, childcare centers and other environments safe for our children. In our post 9-11 society, this might seem like a daunting task. Fortunately, there are organizations solely dedicated to improving the safety of our nation’s children. The National SAFE KIDS Campaign’s goal is teaching adults how to make their community safer for children of all ages. On the SAFE KIDS website, you can look up safety tips and even sign up for a free monthly newsletter containing information and news about how to help keep your child safe.
You can start teaching safety by being a good role model for your child by wearing a helmet when riding bikes-I know it gives you helmet hair, but if it keeps you or your child from obtaining a closed head injury it will be worth it. Follow other safety guidelines such as: wear your seat belt and obey the speed limit, and use safety glasses when cutting wood.
Most people understand that infants need constant supervision. Do not leave your baby unattended for even a few moments. It is ok to put the baby in a safe place such as the crib if you need to perform a task. By the time your child is a toddler, you will likely have safety devices covering nearly every inch of your home
Talk to your pre-schoolers and elementary age children about their bodies, how some parts are private, and what to do if someone touches one of those parts (Tell a trusted adult immediately).
Find out if your child’s school has a safety plan with periodic fire/Tornado drills, as well as a plan in the case of biological or chemical attack. In this day and age, schools should also have a plan in place that they share with both students and parents regarding what to do in the case of a school shooting or terrorist attack upon the school or within the community. This is a sad but necessary sign of our times.
Make sure your child-care center has all of the appropriate safety instructions in writing for their staff. In addition, most child-care facilities care for multiple age children, so make sure your infant cannot crawl over to the elementary section and get a hold of the marbles the school age kids are playing with.
Create a plan for your older elementary age and Teenage children that includes emergency numbers and what to do in certain emergencies. Teenagers seem to have a zest for living dangerously, so make sure they are still supervised and know what to do in an emergency situation-especially, if they are home alone. Go over dangerous scenarios with them and ask them how they should handle each one.
When creating an environment that is safe, do not just concentrate on physical aspects of safety. Remember to provide an emotionally safe atmosphere where a child knows that he or she is loved, can express him or herself freely, and receive comfort when troubled.