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Salad Bars in Elementary School

If elementary schools really want to fight the war against childhood obesity they should offer a salad bar. That’s the findings from a new study conducted by UCLA. The study noted that by offering a salad bar the frequency of fruit and vegetable consumption among low-income students increased. Also the students’ daily intake of cholesterol, saturated fat and total fat decreased.

Lead author, Dr. Wendy Slusser, noted that one of the major reasons kids are overweight in the US today is that they do not eat the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables. “Increasing the availability and accessibility to healthy foods is one way to improve children’s diets. In turn, this sets up opportunities for kids to have repeated exposure to healthy food and positively impact their choices,” she said.

The study was conducted at three Los Angeles Unified School District elementary schools. 337 students in grades 2 through 5 were interviewed using a 24-hour food-recall questionnaire. The interviews were conducted before the introduction of the salad bar (1998) and again in 2000. The study concluded that if kids are provided with fresh fruit and vegetable choices, they will consume more.

According to the U.S.D.A. about 36 % of children in the US, ages 2 to 19, eat the recommended three to five servings of vegetables each day. A mere 26% eat the recommended two to four servings of fruit each day. Slusser added, “The salad bar program showed us that children will indeed eat more fruits and vegetables if offered in an appetizing and accessible manner.”

I think adding a salad bar is a great idea. I know from personal experience that Tyler will eat salads before consuming other vegetables. I don’t have a problem getting him to eat fruit but veggies is a big issue. I also noticed that he will eat a bigger salad if he’s allowed to make his own. So if you’re having a hard time getting your kids to eat their veggies, maybe a trip to a salad bar is what they need.

See also:

Sneaky Mama’s Baked Veggie Fries

Teach Your Children How Not to Be Fat

Should Your Child’s Body Mass Index Be Included on Their Report Card