Coffee Lovers are going to want to take advantage of this deal! Seattle’s Best Coffee is the kind that you usually can get from the cafe at a Border’s bookstore. That may soon be changing, however. What will you do for your coffee fix after that? Try some of Seattle’s Best iced lattes, instead. If you “like” them on Facebook, you can get a coupon that will save you $1.50 off a four pack of Seattle’s Best Iced Lattes, (that come in a can).
It seems that there are two types of people in this world. Those who like their coffee hot, and those who prefer their coffee iced. Oh, and I guess there would be a third group who doesn’t like coffee at all, but that would sort of screw up the analogy. In any case, that third group isn’t likely reading this article, since they aren’t interested in coffee in the first place.
The rest of you, the coffee lovers, can enjoy this deal. Long ago, I used to really love coffee. I used to be a substitute teacher, and few things were nicer to find in the teacher’s lounge than a big, hot, pot of coffee. This was worth carrying around my own mug for. There was a time when I preferred my coffee to be hot, with nothing added into it.
Then, I started working for a big chain bookstore. (No, it wasn’t Borders). The smell of hot coffee, brewing, all day long, quickly changed my view on coffee. The smell of hot coffee no longer was the representation of comfort. It had morphed into the smell of stress itself, and was not at all desirable, in my opinion, any longer. Years after I stopped working for the bookstore, I still cringe at the smell of hot coffee. I have been traumatized, perhaps for life.
Since that time, I learned to enjoy my coffee cold, often in the form of frappe from Starbucks. It’s not always convenient for me to run out to Starbucks, however, especially on days when I have a lot of work to do. I have noticed that Starbucks, and Seattle’s Best Coffee, (and other brands) now offer little cans of their iced coffee in grocery stores. I haven’t tried them yet, because I wasn’t quite sure if I’d like them or not.
If you have been hesitating too, then now is the perfect time to give those a shot! Go to the Facebook page for Seattle’s Best Coffee, and click the “like” button. This will give you access to a coupon that you can print out, and take with you to the grocery store. The coupon will save you $1.50 on a four pack of Seattle’s Best Coffee (that comes in a can).
There are three flavors that you can choose from. One is a simple, iced latte, with nothing added to it. Another is an iced mocha flavor, and the third is an iced vanilla latte. Each of these three flavors comes in a package of four cans, when it is being sold in grocery stores.
Image by Michael Allen Smith on Flickr