Nothing shows that you love someone quite the way that a bouquet of red roses does. This is an especially dramatic gesture if you have those roses delivered to your loved ones workplace, in a public declaration of your feelings for that special person. Valentine’s Day is a great time to do that. You can save 20% on a bouquet of roses from California Blooms, if you use a code when you order.
The rose is a very special flower. It is associated with love, and giving someone roses is a great way to tell someone how you feel. Roses come in a variety of colors, and each one has a specific meaning associated with it.
Red roses say “I love you”. Choose red roses to send to your spouse, and let her know that you love her as much today as you did when your first got married. Send red roses to someone that you are in a new relationship to say that you have romantic intentions, and an interest in taking that next step. Pink roses symbolize love and gratitude. Sentimental pink roses make one think of sweetness and poetry. Dark pink represents gratitude and appreciation, while light pink express sympathy.
Yellow roses evoke feelings of warmth, happiness, and true friendship. White roses symbolize purity and innocence. These are the roses often used in bridal bouquets. Sometimes, white roses can also represent honor and reverence, if used at a funeral service or to decorate a grave. Orange roses can represent desire, enthusiasm, and passion for the person the roses are given to. Lavender roses can be used as a sign that you adore, and are enchanted by, the person whom you give the lavender roses to.
California Blooms is a family owned company, based in California, (as you may have guessed). They use hydroponics methods to grow their roses, at a farm that has been in their family for seven generations. Each rose is individually hand selected and cut at the very peak of it’s growing cycle. They hydrate it overnight, and ship it right to your door (or the door of the person you are sending the roses to). This ensures that the roses will be fresh and beautiful when they arrive.
Choose the color of the roses that you want to send your loved on for Valentine’s day. Stick with one color, or let California Blooms know what mix of colors that you would like in a bouquet. Prices for one dozen long stemmed roses, for eighteen, or for twenty four are clearly listed. You can purchase a vase to go along with the roses. When you get to the checkout, use the code: Save20 to save 20% off the price of the roses.
Image by Valdiney Pimenta on Flickr