One of the problem with paying for things at the grocery store these days is that it is too easy to go over budget. Credit cards make it so much easier to spend and harder to keep track of what you are actually spending. There is the envelope system of course, in which you take out a month’s worth of cash, budgeted just for groceries and then place that cash in an envelope to use for the month. When the cash runs out, then there is no buying groceries. This helps keep you on budget.
The problem with cash though, is that it can be cumbersome to deal with. No one really likes to carry cash, and it can take longer to check out. If the cash system wouldn’t work for you, try this modified strategy that is based on the same idea. Instead of cash, just purchase a gift card to the grocery store in the amount of your monthly budget. You can use the gift card just as you would use a credit card, but since it has a concrete limit, it will be easier to stay on budget.
One thing about staying on a grocery budget is that you will save money. You may find yourself making better choices with the money you have, and finding ways to stretch that dollar. When the budget money runs out, you can make due with the items that you already have on hand. Plus having a monthly budget makes your grocery bill solid and predictable, which makes making ends meet or saving much easier.
If a monthly gift card is too much of a commitment, trying budgeting for two weeks at a time. You can still shop weekly if needed, although shopping every two weeks means that you are likely to spend less. Try the gift card method and let me know how it works for you.