One of the easiest ways to save money at the grocery store is to buy generic. Just about every item you buy has a store or generic brand and the quality has improved so much over the last several years that you may not be able to tell the difference between brand name and generic.
I am not brand loyal, except for ketchup, so I will always try the store brand if it’s a good enough bargain. I did some searching online and found several things that financial experts say you should always buy generic.
*Over the counter medications- the Food and Drug Administration requires generic medicine to have the same active ingredients as the medicines they replace.
*Cereal- this is one of the biggest money saving areas when buying generic.
*Pantry staples– sugar, flour, salt and spices. Government regulations require the same production and storage whether the item is brand name or generic.
*Gasoline- usually it comes from the same trucks that deliver to the big name stations.
*Electronic cables- cheaper works just as well.
*Infant formula- most people will not skimp when it comes to their baby but federal regulations require that all infant is made following a specific procedure, it’s the same product in a plainer container.
*Fresh fruits and vegetables- an apple is an apple is an apple. Sometimes the no name is better quality because it was grown locally.
*Batteries- did a study and generic batteries lasted almost as long as Duracell for a lot less money.
There are some things that don’t seem to stack up as well when you buy generic so you might want to skip them.
*Paper products- significantly lower quality
*Trash bags- if you have to use two it’s really not a bargain.
If you can’t stand the thought of all those generic boxes and cans in your pantry, transfer everything to clean plastic kitchen storage containers, problem solved!