Have ten minutes to kill? Put that time to good use, and you can start saving money!
You know those little moments of patience that crop up here and there? Maybe you are on hold while on the phone, waiting for the last few minutes for dinner to finish, waiting for a computer download, etc. You can use that time to perform any of these quick fixes to save some money.
Close or lower your storm windows. If you have old windows like I do, this can save you big bucks in a year. Even in the summer, the storm windows can help keep your cooling costs down.
Look up the lowest gas prices, so you know where to fill up. See this article for more details.
Fix that leaking faucet. Yes, this is a quick fix! It is usually just a matter of replacing a worn washer. I’ve done this while waiting for my husband to emerge from the shower.
Check to make sure the refrigerator door is closed. Have kids? Chances are that it has been left open at least twice in the past week.
Turn your computer off. Even sleeping computers pull energy. You can save $100 or more a year by simply doing this. The same goes for appliances that are plugged in but not being actively used, such as microwave, vcrs, televisions, etc. An easy way to turn these things off is to attach them to a power strip. Then you can flip the off switch (easier and generates less wear and tear than plugging and unplugging devices).
Replace your paper towels with cut up old towels that can be washed and reused.
Clean off your light fixtures and dusty bulbs. The dust and dirt can absorb as much as 50 percent of your light output, making you turn on additional lights or buy a higher bulb wattage.
Make sure to look for tomorrow’s article for even more quick fixes!
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