There are many expenses that go along with attending a college or university. There are tuition bills, fees for classes, and meal plans to be paid for. College students may need new bedding, or a new computer to take to school with them. The one thing you can be certain to save some money on are textbooks. Right now, Barnes & Noble can help you do that.
Barnes & Noble is having a sale on college textbooks. I would highly recommend using their website to place your order, instead of walking into the stores. As a former Barnes & Noble employee, I can assure you that not all Barnes & Noble stores are going to have the textbooks you need for this semester sitting on their shelves, easily accessible. Most of them do not carry any textbooks in their brick and mortar stores at all! Since you are going to end up placing an order for your textbooks, you may as well do it yourself, from the website, and save yourself the time it takes to travel to the store, and hunt to down an employee who can help you with it.
Use the search engine located right at the top of the web page that talks about this sale. You can get a new textbook for up to 30% off and Barnes & Noble will ship it to you with no shipping cost. Used textbooks are being sold for up to 90% off the original price. They are also allowing people to rent a textbook. I’ve never heard of a retail bookstore offering that before! You can rent a textbook from Barnes & Noble, save up to 70% of the price of the book, and ship the book back to them when your are done with it. You will not have to pay any shipping cost to send it back. Just keep the shipping box that it originally came in, and use that when you are done renting your textbook.
Do you have a Nook? A Nook is an electronic reading device, similar in some ways to Amazon’s Kindle, or Apple’s iPad. The Nook is the Barnes & Noble version of this new technology. It seems like you are supposed to add a free app to your Nook that is called “NookStudy eTextbooks”. This gives you a seven day free trial on any textbook you download onto the Nook. You can also save up to 50% off the cost of the textbook, and you can download it onto the Nook instantly. The NookStudy eTextbook application is also supposed to work on a PC or Mac computer.
Image by djfoobarmatt on Flickr