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Save Money withThe Apple School For Education!

If you’re looking for that perfect holiday gift for your child, why not purchase a Powerbook? Ok, so a Powerbook may not be the most economical choice as a children’s Christmas gift, nor really at the top of every child’s Christmas list, but if you’re in a market for one of Apple’s new MacBooks, you’ll be in luck if the purchase is for your college student, home schooler, or you are on the staff of a local school.

Apple offers deep discounts on almost all of their products in the “Apple Store For Education”, Apple’s education store can be accessed through their website. Once there you will have to confirm that you are in fact who you say you are, and are eligible for discounts. Once you do, you are taken into the store where all your favorite Apple products have significant amounts on money taken off of them.

In order to qualify for the higher education discount you need to be:

1. Faculty of Staff of a higher education establishment
2. Student accepted to, or currently attending a higher education program
3. Parent purchasing on behalf of a student who has been accepted to, or is attending a higher education program

To qualify for the K-12 discount you need to be:
1. An employee of any K-12 school
2. A school board member serving in an elected or appointed office
3. PTA or PTO officer
4. Qualified homeschoolers
5. Employee of a public or private preschool

The discounts are pretty hefty, and allow you to purchase one notebook computer, one Mac or MacMini, 2 titles of any software title, one iSight, and an unlimited amount of iPods. If you’re looking to purchase a MacBook, or any Apple product then this can be an excellent deal for the holidays or anytime. The Apple School For Education can be accessed through your schools website, or through Apple.