It may be hard to think about summer when there is snow in the forecast and we haven’t even hit January. Even so, I suggest that you do think of summer, because if you plan ahead now, you will save later.
Believe it or not, some stores will start putting their swimwear out on the floor as soon as the Christmas season is over. In fact, we haven’t even hit Christmas, and I’ve already seen bikinis in department stores.
Take advantage of this to get some advanced sales on brand new swimwear. After Christmas, use those gift cards you go plus the discount coupons that the stores are offering to get their last minute sales in for the year, and apply them to outfit the whole family.
Travel Plans
Booking a summer vacation in winter may save you a good chunk of money. You can take advantage of discounts on book ahead flights, plus you will have the time to do your research and wait out a bargain travel package. You can even make arrangements for a house share, which generally has to be done way in advance.
Summer Toys
Summer toys do exist in the stores, even if you can’t find them too easily on the floor. They may be tucked behind in a corner, or in the store-room. Buying off-season pretty much entitles you to a discount, so ask a manager if there is a summer toy that you want. Larger items, such as pools may be practically given away in order to free up some space.
If you start putting aside money each month starting in January, you will be ahead of the game when it is time to pay for summer fun. A little at a time can add up to a lot for day trips and pool outings with the kids, summer camp, a new patio table or grill for the backyard, or whatever other expenses that come with summer.