When I take a look at our home energy bill, namely the electric bill through the last year, I can see a sharp spike in the months of June, July and August. Of course, you can guess that this rise in energy usage was due to running air conditioners. Home cooling can really rob your wallet. My goal this year is to reduce my cooling costs further than they were last year.
Here are some ways that you can reduce that cost. I’ll cover everything from natural ways to cool your home to ways to adapt. This is a two-part series, so be sure to check back for the second half.
Let’s start with the morning. Open the windows up and let the cool morning air come in to cool your home. Even if you only open the windows for an hour as you get ready for work, it will make a difference. That is an hour without the air conditioning. In a home covered with trees as mine is, that cool morning air can keep the house cool for at least half the day.
Keep windows covered during the hot sunny part of the day to block the hat. You can even purchase special film or insulated curtains to help you keep the heat away from your home. White is a great color for shades and curtains because it reflects light.
Don’t cool your home when you are not there. Sure, it may be hot when you get home and the air conditioner will have to work harder to cool things down, but you will still save money on your cooling costs. Try setting your home temperature no lower than at 80 degrees while you are away. A temperature of 84 is even better.
Next up, I’ll talk about how you can adjust yourself to the warmer weather rather than adjusting your home.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, technology in the Computing Blog, and creating a home in the Home Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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