Laundry expenses can be a big part of your household budget, from the supplies themselves to heating and electricity costs. Here are some of the best ways to save as much as you can on your laundry expenses.
Buying The Appliances
There a few ways of saving money on a new washer and dryer. You can opt to buy a used model from a resale store. This is what we did when our 40-year-old washer finally spun its last. For a mere $150 including delivery, we got a nice, clean large capacity washing machine that was only two years old.
If you are buying new, consider purchasing from a scratch and dent store. They sell new appliances that have a little bit of cosmetic damage. To learn all about scratch and dent stores click here.
Saving Money on Detergent
This is one of my favorite ways to save on laundry, the subject of detergent. You can easily make your own detergent. Click here to go to the article that will teach you how.
You can save on detergent by using less. I always use about half of the recommended amount of powdered detergent, and my laundry always comes out perfectly. The secret is to allow your laundry to soak. Start your washer and add the detergent while it fills. Then add your clothes. Let the washer agitate for about three minutes then stop it. Walk away for 30 minutes and restart the washer. Since my dryer always takes longer to complete its cycles than does my washer, it doesn’t really cost me any extra laundry time to let the clothes soak. I often combine the soak with ironing a few shirts and sorting my next load.
You an really save on detergent by opting for a device that allows you to wash your clothes without it. To see what that is all about, just read the following article: Space Age System: Wash Your Clothes without Detergent.
Saving Money on Energy
To save money on the energy usage your laundry takes, try reducing this cost in the wash by washing your clothes on cold water whenever possible. I have never had any issues with clothes not coming out clean and fresh when washed in cold water. And the cold water wash will also help your clothes last longer.
You can also take advantage of solar and wind energy by simply hanging your laundry to dry instead of using your dryer. To learn all about hanging your laundry, including some indoor tips, check out this article: No Excuses! Hang Your Laundry.
Another tip to help save money if you are using a dryer is to dry consecutive loads. Don’t give your dryer a chance to cool down between cycles. It takes a lot of energy to heat the dryer up to the point where it can start drying clothes, so switch your laundry out as soon as that dyer buzzer goes off.
What are some of your best ways to save on laundry?
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