In an earlier blog, Save on Paper: The Three Best Ways, I covered the top three easy ways that we can conserve and reuse paper. There was a lot of nice feedback from members. You are definitely a sophisticatedly frugal bunch. Demanding, too, but that is what I really like. And the demands are all good!
So in response, I thought I would post even more ways to save paper, this time focusing on taking advantage of that phenomena that plagues modern mankind…junk-mail! Don’t forget to leave comments on the blogs. While I always check my private messages, comments always get to me sooner, and they are a great way to start a conversation or debate about a blog. And lots of comments make me feel happy.
Junk-mail envelopes
You know all of those envelopes with windows that come in the mail? Save the window part for scrap-booking, crafts and a Kids Building Set.
All of those return envelopes that come with the credit card offers can be used for many things. I cross out the addresses and use them for money that goes to my son’s school. It seems he always has to bring in change of some sort for pretzel day, book day, class trips, etc. You can also use those return envelopes for your grocery coupons. Write your grocery list on the outside of the envelope before you insert the coupons, and you have an easy way to shop. Or reuse those envelopes with new labels on them.
Valpak offers
It seems like we are constantly getting those Valpak savings coupons in the mail. While I do open them, there really isn’t much savings in those packages for me. We seldom eat out, and I don’t collect the baby dolls, silver spoons, thimbles or birthstone jewelry they advertise. But, those coupons are the exact right size for grocery lists, reminder lists or telephone notes.
I get the Valpak savings coupons in an envelope..some coupons are printed only on one side. I sort those coupons and use the white side to write my grocery list, or I use them as small notes for reminders, handy notes to keep near the telephone, etc.
Shred Shred Shred
Finally, almost any form of junk-mail can be shredded for packing material in a move, for filler in gift baskets and to use in gift bags. Do you sell on E-bay? Why pay for peanuts and bubbles unless you absolutely need to?
If you set up a paper bank in your home (A small box to put in re-usable junk mail), you can get in the habit of reusing some of that paper. Make sure the box doesn’t start to overflow–junk mail scraps can quickly get out of hand.
Do you have any other ways to save on paper?
Related Articles:
Save on Paper: The Three Best Ways