Ice cream is a great treat for families, especially in summer, although don’t let the seasons stop you. Did you know that New England, known for its cold winters, is the ice cream eating capital of the country? Having lived in New England, I can attest that there are homemade ice cream shops by the dozens in every county.
The expense of ice cream can really add up. Here are some ways to save.
Stock up when ice cream is buy one get one free. This is the magic price, although you obviously need to look at the brand and the size. When ice cream is at buy one get one free, use coupons to get savings off of each container, and you will do very well. Don’t be brand loyal if you can help it to get the best deals.
Make the ice cream yourself. While you won’t save a huge amount of money when you compare your home made ice cream to the generic store brand, you will save when you compare it to the premium brands. And fresh ice cream will taste even better than the premium gourmet stuff you might find at a shop of the store. There won’t be any preservatives, either.
Add your own mix ins. There is a trend with ice cream parlors to add different mix ins to the ice cream right there in front of the customer. It is a lot cheaper to add your own mix ins at home. Just allow your ice cream to soften a little before you mix. Forget the chilled marble top. A large sturdy bowl works just as well. Or sprinkle your extras on top and mix them in as you eat.
Take advantage of free ice cream deals. It seems that most ice cream shops offer a free ice cream deal at least twice during the summer. Do some research and check here in the Frugal Blog to find out where you can find free ice cream. I’ve seen offers that range from a kids cone to a full blown sundae for free.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, technology in the Computing Blog, and creating a home in the Home Blog. Starting June 1st, don’t miss her articles in the Baby Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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