Parental involvement is very important in a child’s education. Because schools and teachers acknowledge this, parent teacher conferences are set-up to allow parents and teachers the opportunity to discuss the child’s academics and behavior.
My county has held parent teacher conferences in several ways. In the beginning all parent teacher conferences were after school from about three o’clock to five or six o’clock. Some parents had trouble with this because of work schedules and having multiple children at different level schools. It was difficult for a parent to go from the elementary school to one conference and then to the middle school and on to the high school.
The two or three hour time slot also left many parents standing and waiting for a turn.
The school system then decided to stagger the elementary and middle and high school conferences. The elementary schools would conference during one time period and the middle and high school during a different time period. This way it was easier for parents with children in multiple schools.
Now our conferences are held during the early afternoon hours through late afternoon. The children do not attend school on parent teacher conference day. The conferences begin at 12:00 and last until 6:00. Parents may come and conference anytime between the conferencing hours. Allowing a longer time span for conferencing helps give parents more opportunities to visit. Some parents can come during their lunch break. The longer amount of time also helps keep parents from standing and waiting.
I think that most schools are doing all that they can to encourage parents and teachers to talk. The schools systems are trying to make the conferences as convenient for parents as possible. Although the timing is likely better with our new schedule, working parents are left with trying to find a sitter for their children due to the conferences begin scheduled during the school day.
Student Led Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences- Why?
Making Parent Teacher Conferences Successful