With the increase of school shootings, drugs, and other school issues how far do you think police should go in conducting drills? For one combination middle and high school in Michigan many parents feel that the drill went to far.
The police entered the school in riot gear including vests and helmets. Students were removed from the classroom and patted down by officers in the halls. They were asked what was in their pockets and if they had any weapons. The police carried rifles that were unloaded and marked with tape indicating that they were not live, although I doubt the students recognized the meaning of the tape.
Students were unaware that the exercise was just a drill as a result many of them were terrified. I’m sure they were wondering what had happened or if their own lives were in danger. Many of the parents felt that it was wrong that parents and students were not informed of the drill.
The principal said that the students weren’t told ahead of time in order to make the drill more realistic. In fact the teachers themselves were notified just moments before the drill. He said that the goal wasn’t to scare anyone just create a sense of urgency; the same urgency that police and students would be feeling if the situation were real.
The police chief did not realize that the parents and students were not aware of the drill and promised that they would be notified in the event of future drills.
Fire, earthquake, or tornado drills are held without parents being notified, and oftentimes the students as well. Is having a drill where the police enter the school any different than holding a fire drill without notice? Do you think drills like this should be held in schools without prior notice given to parents and students? What if it happened at your child’s school?