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School Guidance Counselors

Most schools have a guidance counselor. The counselor is available if children need someone to talk to about troubles they are facing. Teachers, parents, or other school personnel may refer students to the guidance counselor.

Students may ask to speak to the counselor. School guidance counselors talk with children about all types of issues. Children may talk with a counselor about being bullied, fears at school, problems at home, or sadness over the death of a pet or family member.

Counselors have special training and schooling in helping children work through problems and make decisions. Although counselors cannot make the problem disappear, they can give students suggestions on how to deal with the issue. Counselors take student problems very seriously.

Sometimes counselors meet with students in groups, such as a classroom setting. During these sessions various topics are discussed. Counselors talk with classes about being fair and getting along with one another. If the teacher is having a problem with a particular issue in the class, the counselor may come and talk to the class.

Other times, counselors meet with children individually in a private setting. Counselors do not discuss conversations that they have with others. Information discussed with school counselors is confidential. However, if the counselor feels that someone could be hurt, the information will be shared with the appropriate people to handle the situation.

In addition to helping children cope with emotions, counselors also focus on study skills, substance abuse, careers, and character education. School counselors help students and parents make the right choice of classes, learn better study habits, fill out scholarships, and apply to colleges. Counselors direct students in finding career information and career testing. Counselors can direct students and parents in substance abuse help and information. School counselors instruct students in how to get along with others and be good friends.

Guidance counselors have many functions in a school. Students should always feel comfortable about seeking a guidance counselor’s help. Make sure that the students know who the counselor is and where the guidance office is located.

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