Want to avoid spending $500 or more when you pack a lunch for school? Avoid those prepackaged convenience lunches and use these strategies to save.
My son loves those prepackaged Lunchables kits. But not only are they super expensive (up to $4 here!) but they are also loaded with sodium and preservatives. Fortunately, it is pretty easy to make your own versions of these kits.
Get a sectioned container (like a benzo box or a tupperware container). You can often find inexpensive containers in your local dollar store. The grocery stores also sell glad and ziploc plastic containers that can be reused. For the standard turkey or ham luncable, cut regular cold cuts into shapes using snall cookie cutters. Cube cheese from a block to go with the meat. Add round butter crackers, and your own thermos of juice, milk or water. Include a homemade treat.
For the pizza-type lunchables, toast some bread or flour tortillas. Cut them in rounds using a large cookie cutter or biscuit cutter (or use a tuna can with the bottom cut out). Add some containers of pizza sauce (on small can will last you for weeks and cost just pennies) and shredded cheese. Include other toppings, such as pineapple, ham, tomatoes, or whatever your kids like. Add the drink and the treat.
Buy large packages of treats, such as animal crackers and pre-package them yourself using reusable containers. Place them in a “snack cabinet,” where they can be easily grabbed in the morning and added to a packed lunch.
You can clean, cut and prepackage healthy veggies for school lunches, too. Things that keep well for the week in the refrigerator include carrots, celery, peppers and more.
Buy a block of mozzarella cheese and make your own string cheese snacks.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, technology in the Computing Blog, and creating a home in the Home Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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