As the preschool years end and parents look toward Kindergarten they begin to evaluate their educational choices. With so many choices you are certain to find a fit that is suitable to your child and your family.
Traditional School: A brick and mortar school you send your child. The child will be taught by certified teachers. If the school is private the teachers may not have to be certified.
Public School: Check your local area for the school your child would attend. If you live in a failing school district you may have the option of opting out for a school in another area. Cost if free.
Private School: Smaller classroom setting. Teachers may not have to be certified. The program may or may not be more advanced than public schools. You will pay tuition. Look into grants and scholarship programs if you cannot afford the private school.
Private Christian School: A school with a heavy emphasis on religion. Teachers may not have to be certified. Classes vary in size. Programs may or may not be more advanced. You will pay tuition.
Parochial School: A school with a heavy emphasis on the Catholic religion. Classes vary in size. Programs are normally more advanced than the public schools. You will pay tuition. Discounts exist for members of the church associated with the school.
Charter Schools: A school funded by the state. A student does not have live in the district of the school to attend. Focus of the school may vary from science to foreign language. Some charter schools cater to students in difficult situations or who have been expelled from the public school in the student’s district. Cost is free.
Virtual Schools: A school system accessed completely online. Some classes are conducted with other students or the student works independently. The child is officially enrolled in a school system. Virtual schools are bound by the same state laws and requirements as public or private schools.
K12: Most popular and well known form of virtual schooling. The parent is considered a learning coach while the student is taught by certified teachers. The student is required to log in attendance and take the standardized test.