Wow! I don’t know when school starts in your area but around here, it’s only about three weeks away! Where did the summer go?
I usually have most of the school supplies purchased and neatly stored away, shoes for each of the kids, and at least half of the school clothes bought by now. I’ve usually already made hair appointments too. Right now, I’ve got nothing. I cannot believe I am so far behind. Each year I seem to get less organized instead of more.
I just checked my school supply shelf and there are three report folders, two glue sticks, and four pens. That’s not going to work for four kids. The good news is the sales papers are packed with good deals, so I guess I better get busy filling up the shelf. Actually, I may pick up a bin or two while I’m out to keep the supply shelf more organized.
As for clothes, I’m not feeling too confident in this regard. In order to buy new clothes, I first need to sort through existing items and have the older girls go through their stuff. What fits, what doesn’t? What is “so last year” that needs to go instead of sitting around taking up space? Which jeans still fit? And, which pieces can we find mix and match pieces to go with to make each wardrobe seem larger so we can stay on budget?
I should have had all this stuff done by now, yet here I am looking for a campsite to try to squeeze in one last get away before school starts. I guess Mom better get busy. I do not want to start the year off with hectic, chaotic mornings, so I have got to get organized – quickly!
So, how organized are you? Are you all set for the first day of school?
Back to School: Organizing Kids’ Rooms
Easing the Transition of Going Back to School
Back to School: Organize Your Mornings