It is the time of year again for school supplies sales. I am in love with curriculum and school supplies. I look forward to the school supplies sales every year. I stock up and usually end up buying too much. I can normally buy for the whole the year easily in one trip. The kids love it when I get home and they can claim some supplies as their own. Normally, I color code the kids’ binders, folders, notebooks and such. I place the supplies in bins of the same color and store them with the rest of the supplies. The kids always know where their binders and other personal supplies are located.
School Supply Tips
Shop around: The sales are starting in stores everywhere. Toys R Us has a four boxes of crayons for $1 and several other items for a dollar. Meijer had notebooks for only .17 cents. Not one store has all the deep discounts on all be items. So, buy in bulk for the items that are on sale for the best deals. Remember there are plenty of sales and time from now through August so keep shopping!
Do not overbuy: This is the hardest thing for me. When I get a good deal on school supplies I buy it up. However, that can lead to boxes of unopened crayons and a case of notebooks that haven’t been touched y the end of the year. Buy the most of what you use but resist the urge to buy two cases of .25 cent crayons when your kids have no use for them.
Think ahead: If you donate to charities that benefit children from Toys for Tots to Samaritans Purse, buy up extra supplies and save them for these charities. You can even buy some fun things like crayons, stickers, and post it notes for stocking stuffers.