Scoliosis is plain and simply the abnormal curving of your spine. Instead of it being vertically in line it has a curve or curves that misalign the back. This curving occurs in more females than males and has been known to run in families although the reason as to why is not clear. This begins in childhood and if not corrected can worsen as an adult. Check-ups most be done at regular intervals to track any worsening of the condition. In minor cases this is all that will be needed, but more severe cases of scoliosis will require bracing, surgery or both of these.
The symptoms of scoliosis are quite clear. An uneven waist, a prominent shoulder blade or breastbone, one hip that appears to be higher than the other along with a shoulder of the same nature, a leaning either to the left or to the right depending upon the curve. These symptoms can come in varying degrees just as the curve can as well. In severe cases, the spine itself can twist causing the rib cage to protrude. Difficulty with breathing and back pain will most likely result due to this.
It is important to start checks on your children’s backs at an early age. I recommend regular and frequent checks beginning at around the age of 8 years old. This deformity seems to go unnoticed until it is in a progressed stage. The earlier it is detected the better as then some type of treatment can be done without further advancement. If you notice any of the above symptoms in your child please see the doctor and alert him or her to your findings. The doctor will then be able to further check this and an x-ray can be taken to diagnose the extent of the deformity and plan a course of action for treatment of the condition.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health