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Scrapbooking Goals for 2007

With a New Year upon us, I thought that it would be appropriate to set some scrapbooking goals for the New Year and share them here with you.

Make an album for my husband. So many of my layouts focus on my kids, so I think that it is important this year to include my husband more in our albums. I’m thinking about a “Favorite Things About You” album or and “all About You” album. I’ll share what I come up with once it’s done.

Include more about myself in our albums. Most scrapbookers do not take time to include themselves on their layouts. So I need to remember to hand over the camera more often and get into some pictures so that I can scrapbook them!

Keep up with my online classes. I have signed up for a couple of classes that both start this week with Big Picture Scrapbooking. I have taken a couple of classes with BPS this year and have enjoyed them. The two classes that are starting this year will involve some time and one of them lasts all year. It should be a lot of fun.

Organize my photos. There are 3 photo boxes of pictures and all of my digital photos that are in serious need of some organization. One of the classes I am taking with Big Picture Scrapbooking should help with this.

Try some new techniques. I still haven’t included a transparency on a layout and I think that will have some great effects. I’m not sure about any other technique I want to try, but I am going to be on the lookout for some new things.

I encourage you to take some time and think about the things you would like to accomplish as a scrapbooker this year. I just heard someone the other day say that a goal is only a wish if it’s not written down. So take some time to write down those goals and then make an effort each week to work toward them.

If you would like to share some of your goals in the comments, I would love to hear them!

Hope this is a wonderful year for you!

Related articles;

Scrapbook Goals for 2006

Big Picture Scrapbooking – Free Classes

New Years Resolutions