With all of the cold weather that is hitting all over the US, hopefully you are able to get some scrapbooking done. Basically its a great time to stay inside, keep warm and work on getting caught up.
Here’s what has been happening in the scrapbooking blog this week.
File Formats For Digital Scrapbooking Layouts (2)
We have been discussing file formats for digital scrapbooking layouts and here are a few more to understand and become familiar with. .TIFF or .TIF A .TIF file is a non-lossy file format for saving graphic files.
File Formats For Digital Scrapbooking Layouts (1)
File formats are important to understand when you are working with anything digitally on your computer, whether it is photographs or digital scrapbooking layouts or something else.
How To Save Your Digital Scrapbooking Layouts
Digital scrapbooking is fun and rewarding but it also takes some work. You need to learn how to correctly save your digital layouts for several different options. You might need to save one way for printing the layout, another for sharing online and another to go back and edit the page.
Digital Scrapbooking Organization 101
With the popularity of Digital Scrapbooking on the rise, it is imperative that you figure out how to get organized if you want to scrapbook this way.
Finding Items to Alter With Your Scrapbooking Supplies
The best part of altered art is that it is an unending creative outlet. Altering something just means changing it from its original state or purpose. This makes unlimited possibilities with what you decide to alter. In my frugal living lifestyle, I am always reusing items for new purposes.
Altered Art: Embellishing Your Altered Art
Embellishing is essentially the last step in the process. It is like decorating your home. You have to get the walls painted, the floor or carpet changed and then you can add the accessories. The same goes for a scrapbook layout or a piece of altered art.
Altered Art: The Covered Piece
Altered art is extremely popular in the scrapbooking community these days. Scrapbookers seem to get their hands on all sorts of fun and interesting items to change and alter and make their own. Some scrapbookers are even altering their scrapbooking tools and supply totes.
Altered Art: How to Alter a CD Container
Everyone is into altering items these days, but for a scrapbooker it is a creative outlet and a use for all those supplies that collect dust. Are you interested in altering a CD container or case and unsure of how to get started? This article will show you how to alter a CD container.
Altered CD Cases or Containers
Everywhere you seem to turn, you see a scrapbooker using her supplies to alter an everyday average item, or even a piece of trash. Why do we do that? Because it is fun to create gifts, and other useful items out of normal items, and make them beautiful with all of our great scrapbooking supplies.
Collecting Non-Traditional Scrapbooking Embellishments
Scrapbooker’s are constantly on the lookout for new and innovative items to use or try in their scrapbooks. This carries over even beyond the local craft store and scrapbooking store. This happens when they are browsing the local dollar store, or the local hardware store.
Scrapbooking Week in Review for January 7-13, 2008
The scrapbooking industry is buzzing with new information, techniques and products. This happens each year in January as many scrapbooking designers unveil their new lines, their new tools and the latest and greatest embellishments that everyone must have.
Do you ever wonder if you would benefit from some honest to goodness therapy? We all hit rough spots in our lives, it is part of normal living. However, if you pick up the average scrapbookers albums and start flipping through, you might come to the conclusion that they have the perfect life.
Nicole Humphrey writes articles for the Scrapbooking Blog and for the Frugal Blog. She also guest blogs on a variety of topics. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.