Epidurals and Interventions in Labor

Many women consider their epidurals the saving grace during labor. Women have varying beliefs; with some believing a natural birth is the safest thing for mom and baby. Others can’t understand why anyone would ever give birth without the benefit of an epidural. As it turns out, there may be a price to pay for the comfort of little pain during labor. Having an epidural increases the likelihood of certain medical interventions in labor. Some studies show it can raise the risk of needing a c section too. Natural child birth advocates point out studies which show epidurals can increase … Continue reading

A Little Vulnerability Can Be Good For Your Business

I have learned over the years that while toughness can be a good thing, and there is definitely a time and place in the world of business for a steely disposition, vulnerability can be good too. I’m not talking about the crying at business meetings that I wrote about a few days ago, but really more about being ourselves and showing a genuine, tender side. This is how relationships are built. Think back over your own relationships with bosses, coworkers, and colleagues–chances are the ones you came to trust the most, enjoy working with, and the ones with whom you … Continue reading

Home Remedies For Bug Bites

I managed to hold out until May to get my first mosquito bites. Unfortunately, the little pests managed to chomp me in the armpit — a somewhat embarrassing place to try to scratch! Mild reactions to insect bites can be quickly and easily treated at home. Deal with the bite itself as soon as possible: If a stinger (like from a bee or wasp) remains in the bite site, try to pull it out as soon as possible! Use a flat knife or other flat edge to scrape out the stinger; venom may remain in the stinger and can be … Continue reading

Daddy’s Little Helper – Baking Christmas Cookies

Each year, I dust off my beautiful almond colored Kitchen Aid stand mixer, hang my off-white, sadly under used apron (it exists exclusively for baking. It just doesn’t feel right to be wearing it when I am merely cooking) around my neck and pretend I am a baker. Usually, I make some basic Chocolate Chip cookies using a time-tested and modified name brand recipe passed on to me from my Mother. From time to time, I will sprinkle in a batch or two of sugar cookies in the shape of candy canes and snowmen. This year, my 2 and a … Continue reading

BITSS of Support Networks

Children most at risk of sexual abuse are those without support networks – a range of trusted adults to talk to. Once we lived in extended family groups, nowadays we tend to be isolated from our emotional supports. We may live busy lives with little time for just chatting with our children or friends. Support networks are important for all of us. Predators love children with few supports. Worse still, predators will groom the few supports and trick them into believing that the child is lying about sexual abuse. To counteract this, remain in contact with friends: talk, listen, and … Continue reading

Methods of Inducing Labor

In some cases, labor needs to be started by induction. A variety of methods can be used to start labor. The method chosen will depend on the cervix at the time of the induction. Whether the cervix has begun to efface and dilate or not will help determine the method used. Pitocin is a synthetic form of oxytocin, which is the hormone that naturally is secreted during labor. This drug is also used if you are already having contractions, but they are not regular or strong enough. Pitocin is administered through an IV. Often the doctor will start you off … Continue reading

Why I Have A Doula

We’ve written a little bit before about doulas on the site, but we’ve never been able to share personal experiences with one until now.  Back when I first found out I was pregnant, I wanted a midwife but couldn’t find one.  I thought at least I might be able to find a doula, because that would be better than nothing.  I wanted someone, other than my at-times too logical husband, who would definitely be all on my side during labor. It took me a while, and I actually ended up finding a midwife first, but I was able to find … Continue reading

Making Money from Vending Machines

Think about how much cash you’ve deposited in vending machines over the years? Isn’t it about time you started making money from these machines instead of allowing them to suck your wallet dry? Running a vending machine business is a great way to pad your budget.  What’s more, you can run the bulk of the operations from your home, set your own hours, and turn a profit without a ton of advertising and manual labor. If you decide to give the business idea a try, consider the type of machines you want to own.  Find a reliable manufacturer who can … Continue reading

Newsies: Big Broadway Success

It may be one of my Most Underappreciated Disney Films, but it’s no flop on the stage: The Hollywood Reporter reveals that the Broadway version of “Newsies” has already recouped its expenses.  For a Broadway show that’s fast; in fact, “Newsies” sets a record for Disney Theatrical Productions as the show that’s made back the money spent to make it in the quickest amount of time. “Newsies” cost Disney Theatrical Productions $5 million.  It made that back in nine months after opening (on Broadway; its pre-Broadway run in New Jersey isn’t being counted here).  That’s even faster than Disney Broadway … Continue reading

The Big Hat Tree

There are a lot of things that never change. Human relationships are important; we are driven to strive for happiness (but confused by what it is and how to find it); power is corrupting. By their very definition, traditions are supposedly unchangeable. But traditions are one of the things that historically have changed, ever so slowly, over time. Whether through marriage, death, cultural shifts, or other necessities; traditions are generally less stable than we would like to admit. Recently, I had the opportunity to be part of a new Christmas tradition that is trying to take hold. My son recently … Continue reading