Bunny Hunt

This is a child hot on the trail of the Easter Bunny. Actually, this is a child, who was instructed to turn her frown upside down, following a pouting-fest which was fueled by the fact that she was not allowed to stay up all night to capture the Easter Bunny. Funny how pictures work. For the past four years my now 7-year-old has desperately tried to snag the Easter Bunny. While other kids her age spend Holy Saturday night with visions of chocolate eggs dancing in their head, my child is designing elaborate traps made from blankets, empty boxes, masking … Continue reading

Making The Night Shift Work For Your Family

Yesterday I talked a little bit about parents who choose to work the night shift. If you are wondering how it works on a practical level, I have decided to discuss that today. After trying a couple of different approaches to adjusting your family’s schedule to accommodate a parent working the night shift at home you will most likely find a solution that works for your family. When a family or a couple thinks of each day as a twenty four hour period of time, it is easier to find creative ways to do or have the things that you … Continue reading

Feelings after Giving Birth

With nine months of joyous anticipation of the birth of your precious baby you may be surprised to learn that you may not feel so joyful right after giving birth. Your thoughts about the moments right afterwards may lead you believe you should be feeling your best. Yet, you won’t be. Yes, you may feel a sense of joy hearing your little precious bundle cry for the first time. The sight of your baby will bring you delight and fill you with love. Or maybe it will not. Maybe you will be exhausted both physically and emotionally. I have been … Continue reading

Where to Rock Chinese New Year

I snapped this photo a couple of years ago as my daughter got up close and personal with a dancing lion at a Chinese New Year parade that snaked its way through Hilo, Hawaii. It’s tradition for parade-goers to feed little red envelopes stuffed with crisp one dollar bills into the lion’s mouth in order to receive a bit (or hopefully, a lot) of luck in the New Year. Celebrating Chinese New Year in Hawaii is a unique experience that will stay with you for a lifetime. While the 15-day celebration culminates on January 23rd, there is no shortage of … Continue reading

Spending Time With My Sister Part VI

On day five our our visit, we had planned to go for a walk around and older more affluent neighborhood and take some autumn inspired photos. Unfortunately when we awoke the next morning it was raining and much colder. Not exactly the ideal weather we were hoping we would have. So we modified our plans a little bit. We ate breakfast and did our dance cardio workout. Once the baby was good and fed. We made a picnic lunch of sandwiches, Greek yogurt, and grapes, and headed off to another mall that had a couple maternity boutiques. This mall was … Continue reading

What Happens to Your Research After You are Gone?

Genealogists put a great deal of effort into their genealogy research. Often it is a “labor of love”. Those two concepts, combined, make your all those notes, records, documents, photos, and family trees templates extremely precious. What will happen to it all after you pass away? Genealogy research tend to make people very aware of death. Genealogists search for death records, obituaries, wills and gravestones. I cannot think of any other hobbies that include what could be thought of as a “morbid fascination”. However, genealogists are only human. No matter how comfortable you might be visiting a cemetery, or reading … Continue reading

What It’s Like to Be a Woman with a Home-Based Business in Pakistan

In doing some research for something completely different, I ran across an article that I couldn’t stop reading. It’s an online news source for the country of Pakistan and the article was about women who work from home. According to this article, 65% of women who work in Pakistan do it from their home. However they have no protection from labor laws, no rights to minimum wage, and no Social Security benefits. They basically have nothing. Most of the work they do is piece work, which they make very little money doing and are sometimes at risk of being exposed … Continue reading

Buy a Frappuccino – Get Free Music From Starbucks

Summer is the perfect time to get yourself a cold, refreshing, drink, and to listen to some great music while you are enjoying it. Starbucks can help you get both at the same time. Buy a frappuccino, and get ten free songs that you can download from iTunes. I have mentioned many times how much I love Starbucks. I used to go there at least a couple of times a week, but have slowed down a bit lately. I have a wedding to attend later this year, and, like most women, I really want to lose a few more pounds … Continue reading

Exercise in the First Trimester

Exercise is hard regardless if you are pregnant or not. It just is. It takes commitment, will-power, and education. For pregnant women exercise is absolutely imperative. Exercise along with diet can almost guarantee a pregnancy free of major complications, manageable labor, and natural delivery. Pregnant women are strongly encouraged to engage in some form of exercise daily during pregnancy. As to the intensity and type of exercise: this depends entirely on the individual pregnant woman. If she is active and has been exercising regularly before pregnancy, she can continue her regular exercise routine until it becomes uncomfortable at which point … Continue reading

Finding a Midwife

We had decided to go with a midwife shortly before we starting trying to conceive. After reading “A Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth” by Henci Goer and several other similar books, I started looking for midwives in our area and there weren’t any! The closest midwives were at least two hours away. So I called them up and we took a day to visit them (they were 20 minutes from each other). Talking to the different midwives was a great experience. They answered all my questions and I really felt prepared to go with either of the two … Continue reading