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Secret Shopper?

Okay, if anyone has had a good experience with this secret shopper stuff, I want to know about it, please. The whole secret shopper thing falls into my “if it sounds too good to be true, it is,” category, but I still can’t help thinking how much fun such a “job” would be!

Can you imagine not only getting paid to shop, but shopping with someone else’s money and getting to keep all the stuff you buy, for the simple job of reviewing your shopping experience or reviewing certain products?

The funny thing is if people were actually doing this and making money with it, you would think we would be hearing about it. These companies wouldn’t even have to advertise any more, because the word of mouth publicity would keep them overwhelmed with people who wanted to work for them. Kind of like diet pills… if they “melted” away fat, everyone would buy them and there wouldn’t be enough bottles on the shelves to keep up with demand.

Again, if it sounds too good… you know the rest.

Even if I could get a one-time deal and come out ahead, I’d consider trying it again. I must truly be a sucker. When I tried before, I was dragged into a maze of things to purchase in order to “qualify.” I felt like saying, “Hey, I already know how to spend money, now I want to make some.”

I’m still intrigued however, so please, let me know if you are aware of any legitimate secret shopper ventures. Maybe that’s what’s going on… maybe it is so great that everyone that’s doing it is keeping it a secret so they will have plenty of work.

Frankly, I’m apt to think that it’s just another game being played on those of looking for cool ways to make money, but I would definitely like to hear about other people’s experiences.