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Self-Employed, Homeschooling Single Parent Considering a Master’s Program – Am I Crazy?

As if time isn’t already tight, tonight I feel strangely drawn toward pursuing an MBA.

The only reason I’m mulling this now is because I was on the phone for an hour this evening, enrolling my son in a high school independent study program.

For a couple of months my son and I have been trying an “eclectic” approach to homeschooling, but it hasn’t been working particularly well for either of us.

We came to the conclusion that we both need something with more structure. I honestly think that it has to do with both of us having ADHD; neither of us works too well with too little organization and too many choices.

Anyway, while I was on the phone signing my son up for school, the helpful woman on the other end of the conversation told me that their organization also offers associate’s and Master’s degree programs (they’re working on a Bachelor’s too). I’ve often considered furthering my education, but it’s always seemed impossible because of other priorities: my son and my need to work for a living.

But maybe I can do it now, at my own pace, from my own home, either online or via correspondence courses. Besides, “distance learning” is the big trend in education these days, isn’t it?

And just the thought of my son and I both studying away, pursuing our educational goals, seems so cool to me.

If it seems “cool,” then that’s probably a big red flag that I should give it more thought. Jumping into things impulsively is another ADHD trait. (It helps me to be aware of these things because then I can work on managing them.)

Obviously, my taking MBA courses would require 1) time; 2) effort; and 3) money. I will have to seriously consider if I can actually swing all three of these things.

But for the moment, the idea of having an educational goal as I teeter on the edge of (gasp) 50 feels so COOL! (There’s that word again.)

Maybe that’s it. Subconsciously, maybe the idea of being a student again appeals to me because it will make me feel young(er). On the other hand, since I am a “self-employed entrepreneur” — one of the terms used in the MBA program summary to describe appropriate candidates for the degree — some formal business education could actually be useful to have.

I don’t know. Maybe it’s not realistic. It may not be possible under my current circumstances. Still, for now, I’m going to enjoy pondering the possibility.

It all goes back to having dreams, I think. Dreams enable us to move forward with joy and hope. And to quote Martha Stewart, that’s a good thing.