As you set out making your plans for summer programs for your kids, don’t overlook your local college. Many colleges offer classes and camps for kids. You can usually find out about these offerings through the department that handles continuing education or special courses. It’s a great way for your kids to get a taste of what college life is all about. Here in Mobile, The University of South Alabama offers camps for kids as young as 5. They offer a little bit of everything: art, foreign language, even a CSI Forensic Science Camp.
Some campuses also offer enrichment classes taught by university professors and many are hands on, like the archeology and geology classes South Alabama offers. For your little athletes, many campuses offer basketball, soccer, volleyball and other sports camps– for both boys and girls. For the budding musician, you might be able to find a jazz camp and for the older kids who want to learn how to improve their academic success, you might also find a camp that will teach your kids critical thinking skills, goal setting or how to give oral reports.
Yes, there’s a something for everyone and the costs are fairly reasonable. I did a quick search and found many offerings including the following:
Westchester Community College in New York offers many classes including classes in art, science and culinary arts.
Cybercamps is a multi-state computer camp for kids held in over 50 locations including camps at MIT, UCLA and Duke.
Syracuse University offers a summer dance workshop.
For older kids you may want to consider a residential camp, many colleges offer this choice. If your kids plan to attend college out of state, this would be a great opportunity for them to experience first-hand what it’s like to live on campus.
If you want to send your kids to college this summer, now is the time to start planning. Many of the colleges are holding registration rightnow or in early to Mid-March.
See also:
Planning For A Teenagers Summer