It is one thing to let go of clutter and another to let go of your things. after all, there is nothing good about clutter, but getting rid of the first toy your son every played with is a little tougher. The problem is, the clutter and your things can be one and the same.
Letting go of excess not only creates a more balanced and serene home, but it can also leave you better prepared financially. With an organized home, you are less likely to replace things that are lost or buy things you don’t need in the first place. Plus, selling off some of your clutter can earn you some money to put toward the things that will really make you happy.
When there is something in your home that is no longer useful but difficult to part with, chances are that you are attached to a memory of that item or have some other association with it. That first toy is no longer being played with, but it reminds you of your child’s infancy and maybe his or her firsts. There are sentimental attachments to it. You can’t let it go because of what it represents.
While there is nothing wrong with keeping one toy, the reality is that we all have several of these kinds of items, sometimes even hundreds of them all around our house. Books, clothes, school papers, letters, collections, even furniture. Pretty soon, our homes are cramped with stuff we never use.
One idea for dealing with this sentimental clutter is to create a possession journal. Take a photo of the item and paste it into a nice journal. Then write about how that item makes you feel, what memories are associated with it, etc. You can then choose to pack the item away for keeps or pass it on to someone else. Nothing much to say about the item? Place it in a donation box right then and there.