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Separation of God and Homeschool

As a Christian Homeschooler, many would assume that my decision to homeschool was God led. In fact, at my very first homeschool meeting (when I was still forming my decision) I nearly ran away waving my hands and screaming. What nearly frightened me from homeschooling were the adamant statements from the women who said that unless God had called you to homeschool, you probably had no business doing it. Fortunately, I went to other meetings and realized that this was one of the more extreme groups. I am not involved in a homeschool group per se, but in a local non-denominational email loop. I enjoy it thoroughly.

People also assume that Christian churches, especially Southern conservative churches like my own, insist parents pull their children out of school and homeschool them. That is also untrue. In fact, it was only recently, (and after watching us and other homeschoolers for several years) that my pastor decided to homeschool one of his several children who was having trouble in school. The majority of the children in my church go to public school. My kids are definitely and minority.

Frankly, I get tired of hearing homeschooling and Christians lumped together as one cohesive unit that cannot exist separately. I know of homeschoolers from every religion imaginable, as well as many devout Christians who have no intention to homeschool. While homeschooling and Christianity can co-exist, they are two completely different entities.

Back to my first point: I did not begin homeschooling for religious reasons. I did it for academic reasons, and for the well-being of my children’s self-esteem. The religious related benefits… those were unexpected perks. While there are many Christians who see homeschooling as part of their religious duty, I say more power to them. However, please understand when I have a conversation about homeschooling; I seldom bring my spirituality into the conversation. I do not believe that all good Christians should homeschool, or that all homeschoolers are good Christians. This is why in my posts, you will notice that there is a distinct separation between God and Homeschooling.

Why do you homeschool? Do you do it for religious convictions? How do you feel about people who homeschool for other reasons?

*Have a question about homeschooling? Just ask.

*Want to know more about homeschooling? Start here!