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September 13 is National Celiac Awareness Day

September 13 is National Celiac Awareness Day | Families.com

Did you know that National Celiac Awareness Day is September 13? There are many ways that you can celebrate Celiac Awareness Day with the members of your family who must stay gluten-free.

The date was selected to honor the birthday of Samuel Gee MD, a British physician and pediatrician who published the first clinical description of celiac disease, and to connect the disease with diet. Celiac disease affects about 1% of the population.

It is a genetic condition that causes the body to be unable to tolerate gluten. Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, rye, barley, all the foods that contain any of those ingredients, and in a bunch of foods you would never expect to find gluten in. There are also plenty of people who do not have celiac disease but who are allergic to, or intolerant of, gluten. These people must stay on gluten-free diets in order to remain healthy. It’s not just a food fad. It is a serious issue.

It’s really nice to have a Celiac Awareness Day that can help people understand that most of us who are on a gluten-free diet are not simply following the latest diet craze. Its nice to have a day that recognizes that this disease, and gluten allergies, are real, and serious.

There are many ways that you can celebrate Celiac Awareness Day with the gluten-free members of your family. The Celiac Sprue Association suggests the following ideas:

Have a party with gluten-free foods, and a tasty, gluten-free, cake. Hold a gluten-free baking contest. Create a display about Celiac Awareness Day for your public library, clinic, or other public place. Contact your local newspaper, television, and radio stations, and ask them to do a story on Dr. Samuel Gee and Celiac Awareness Day.

In Des Peres, Missouri, a Schnuck Markets store is going to celebrate Celiac Awareness Day by sponsoring a special sampling of gluten-free foods. It will take place on Thursday, September 13, 2012.

The purpose is to make people aware of what Celiac disease is. There will be samples of gluten-free breads, crackers, other baked goods, and beers. There will be chefs doing demonstrations of gluten-free recipes.

Check the websites of your local newspapers to see if there will be any Celiac Awareness Day events happening near you. While you are there, look for Celiac support groups, and find out when they meet.

Parents of kids who have Celiac disease, or a gluten allergy, can take this opportunity to educate their child’s classmates about why your child can’t eat the foods that the rest of the kids can. I would recommend talking with your child’s teacher to see if you can have a few minutes to do a short, age appropriate, presentation.

Image by Kimberly Vardeman on Flickr

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