Another area you can serve in Relief Society is in the presidency. The presidency can be a difficult place to serve. There are four positions in the presidency: the president, the education counselor, the enrichment counselor and the secretary. Each of these women has a vital role in helping the Relief Society function in each ward.
The Relief Society president is one of the busiest callings in the ward. She is in charge of the welfare of all the sisters. She helps with food orders and other welfare systems. She makes sure that the sisters needs in the wards are being met. She oversees and works with the visiting teaching coordinator. If you have never served in this role, it is difficult to understand how busy she really is.
The education counselor oversees the lessons that are given on Sundays. She is in charge of letting the sisters know the assigned topics, and in finding a substitute when a regular teacher is out for any reason. She may end up substituting with very little notice.
The enrichment counselor is in charge of all enrichment nights and activities. She oversees the committee meetings and helps in the set up and clean up of all activities. She helps to make sure that the classes taught at enrichment activities meet the needs of the sisters in the ward.
The secretary helps with announcements. She is in charge of taking attendance, and usually helps with birthdays. She takes notes and helps as needed by the presidency.
Each role in the Relief Society is an important one. The Relief Society presidency in each ward helps the ward to operate smoothly. They help to build a feeling of unity within the ward. These sisters give a lot of their time to help serve the other members in the ward. When you can show appreciation for the service these sisters provide.
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