In my previous two entries I wrote about ways to serve our family and friends, people we know. Today I want to center on something that is often very difficult to do: serving people we do not know – strangers. The word “stranger” seems to have such a negative connotation, but when I use the word I simply mean the old lady at the grocery store or the young student your child’s class: people we do not formally know.
You may never know exactly what situation you will be in. You may never know what type of opportunity may arise. However, I think there are some experiences which will be more common, and below I have listed a few ways we can serve people we come into contact with whom we do not know.
- Help the mother with unhappy children or the elderly woman at the grocery store take their items to their car and put them away.
- Chase down the person who has dropped money or something else out of their pocket or purse.
- Volunteer at a soup kitchen or other outreach for the needy in the community.
- Help the family stranded on the side of the road change their flat tire (of course, only if you feel you can safely do this).
- Open doors for people. Offer to let others go first. Help the young child who cannot reach the water fountain. Give up your seat while waiting at a restaurant for an expecting mother, an elderly man, or even someone who does not have a special need. Have a humble attitude in all you do. Sometimes the small things can have the greatest impact.
- Hang tracts (pamphlets about becoming a Christian, church, or God) on their doors. Hang fliers up advertising a Gospel Meeting or Family Bible School (Vacation Bible School). While you may never actually talk to the person, you may have a wonderful impact on their eternal salvation by showing them the way to God.
Christians should always be watching for opportunities to serve those around them whether they are family, friends, or strangers. Remember that by serving others we can show Christ to them. What other types of opportunities have you had to serve strangers?