Before the baby came, you probably set up the nursery. You likely have a diaper changing station as well. What you may not have thought of however, was the nursing station. If you’re a breastfeeding mom, a nursing station is a place to be comfortable while you spend a good part of your day nursing your newborn.
Do you absolutely need a nursing station? Nope. I had honestly never heard of one until I had my twins. But what I have since discovered (thanks to the wisdom of many moms who went before me) is that if you have multiples, a fussy, high-need baby, or if you delivered via c-section a nursing station is a valuable tool to help keep you comfortable in those early days when it seems like ALL you do is nurse the baby! Even if you don’t have any of these special circumstances, you may still like to have a area set up to meet your needs while you nurse the baby.
A nursing station is completely useless unless you have a comfortable place to sit or lay down. This doesn’t mean you need to go out and buy a new piece of furniture. (Although if you’ve been pestering your husband for one of those rockers then by all means, feel free to use this article!)
Usually the most comfortable place is a recliner if you have one. I have talked to moms who have their nursing station set up near their bed so they could nap with the baby. Other moms sprawl out on the couch. In any case, you need an area that is above all else, comfortable for you and allows you to move in different positions.
Snacks & Water
If you are nursing multiples I highly recommend that you consider purchasing a small refrigerator to go in your nursing station. This is because nursing more than one baby is an incredible demand on your body and you really need to eat every time your babies do. (I will write more about nursing multiples in an upcoming blog!)
Even if you’re not nursing more than one, a small fridge is nice. In any case, stock a basket,refrigerator, or a large container with healthy snacks: granola bars, fruit, etc. You can also stock it with water. If you don’t have a fridge, you can freeze water in bottles and then take it out in the morning. This should allow you to have a good supply of cold water all day long!
Diaper Supplies
Don’t move your whole diapering station, but stock one or two diapers, some wipes, and a changing pad. You’ll be glad you did when you don’t have to run somewhere else to change the baby’s diaper eight or more times a day!
Burp Cloths
Keep a stash of burp cloths to catch the inevitable spit up that ensues after a feeding. I also keep a plastic bag near my nursing station to put soiled laundry in.
I also keep a few toys and books for my older children here. This way, I can nurse a baby and read to my toddler or watch them play. I usually grab the phone and place it nearby so if it’s convenient I can answer it. (Feel free to turn the phone off altogether-though!) I have a few books for me on the rare occasion that I get to read. I don’t recommend taking up knitting or something of the like though. It doesn’t take long before a baby is old enough to reach for that yarn!