What can we learn from the Old Testament and God’s relationship with His people,Israel? Exodus 19:1-25.
1. In the third month after they set out from Egypt, Israel reaches the desert of Sinai and camps at the foot of the mountain. Verses 1-2. It is often when we are in the harsh situations, which feel like a desert, that God meets with us.
2. Moses goes up the mountain. The Lord tells Moses exactly what he is to say to the people of Israel, verse 3. God is always clear about what He tells His people. At times he speaks through others like our pastor or other Christians, to address His people.
3. The Lord reminds Israel of his past deliverance. Not that they should really need reminding, given that it was only a short time earlier. But God knows how fickle the human heart is and how forgetful the memory. Are we any different to Israel? Too quickly we forget God’s blessings and deliverances. This is one of the reasons keeping a journal, of quiet times and prayer requests, is invaluable. I have just been reading over my journals from 1991, when we were in the process of moving house from Sydney to Orange. How much of the details of the way God led us I had forgotten in the intervening years, so it was good to be reminded.
4. The Lord sets a condition to His unique and unfailing relationship with Israel. Often God’s promises of blessing come with a condition. See Psalm 37:4. The condition in this instance is Israel’s obedience, verse 5. The Lord also requires that we be obedient to His Word, John 14:15, 23.
5. Israel responded to God by promising they would obey His words. It is easy to promise this when it has not been tested. God knows this. He knows Israel needs to learn to trust Him in all situations. The same is true for us. We need to trust God even when circumstances appear to tell us it is foolishness.
6. The people needed to be consecrated, prepared and ready to hear from God, verses 10-13. Do you come expectantly to meet with the Lord, eager to hear what He has to say to you?
7. The Lord tests Israel’s obedience by putting limits around the mountain and limits on who is allowed closer to Him,1 verse 12, 21-24. God is very clear as to what the limits are. He gives the limits more than once and warns the people against trying to force their way through the limits God has imposed, v20.
A relationship with the Lord is a two way thing. God promises to bless His people. For our part we need to be ready and prepared to listen when He speaks, we need to obey His commands and abide by any limits He sets. As you look at your life and your current situation, how can you learn from these seven steps and incorporate them to strengthen your relationship with the Lord?
Why Should I Read the Pentateuch? Part 1
From the Standpoint of the Bible