We all know that single parents don’t have much time or opportunity to pamper ourselves. There’s no other adult around with whom to divvy up responsibilities; to take over so that we can take a break. So we need to be responsible for that too.
It’s healthier for you and as a result, better for your kids, if you regularly make some time for yourself to de-stress and unwind. Here are seven little things that always help me feel peaceful and relaxed. Try doing one of them each day of the week.
A bubble bath – the classic unwinder, bubble baths are high on my list of priorities in life (only half kidding!). And not the same old thing every time either; I love to try different scents and always have a variety of fragrant liquids, gels and/or powders available to suit my mood. They don’t have to be the most expensive ones out there either. As long as they produce big fluffy mounds of bubbles for you to disappear beneath, they’ll do!
A nap – 30 minutes to an hour can be very soothing and reenergizing. Just find a quiet spot to curl up and refresh yourself.
Aromatherapy candles – I’ve found these to be exceptionally helpful! If you put a big pillar-sized one in a glass cylinder, you can burn it for hours (safely – it won’t tip over) and enjoy its lovely, calming fragrance while you go about your day.
Music – Lately I’ve been seeking out my old (and new) favorites and downloading them to my computer. While I’m working at my computer, I can play my favorite music in the background. Sometimes I burn CDs of them too so I can enjoy them in the car.
Flavored coffees and teas – These are such nice soothing pick-me-ups, especially in the colder weather. A fresh-brewed pot of hazelnut or Irish creme coffee will fill your home with its fragrance. Orange spice tea is perfect in the winter too.
A purring cat or little dog curled in my lap – In my pet-filled household (three cats, two Pugs, two parakeets), a cat or dog usually hops into my lap whenever I sit down at my computer. A cat’s purr is exceptionally soothing; so are the gentle licks of a small dog before he settles down to doze.
A hug from my sweetheart – This one is the BEST by far. A big long arms-wrapped-around-me hug from the one I love will calm me like nothing else. (Thank you, honey!) Sorry, you’ll have to find your own “hugger” for this one! Hugs from your kids, other close relatives, or friends can also serve to remind you that someone really does care about you.
And nothing makes you feel better than that.