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Sex and Marriage

When it comes to marriage there are many different factors that contribute to it in order to create a successful and happy relationship. Sex is one of the factors but not the most important factor that should be considered. When it comes to sex and marriage, it is important to understand what the act of sex can contribute and do to your marriage. This is something that has the ability to affect your marriage in a negative or a positive way.

When your marriage is full of love, respect and trust than sex can bring nothing else to your relationship besides happiness and positive affects. Love is a very important part of sex, a factor that is sometimes overlooked or forgotten. Without love, sex is a meaningless act that can only bring negative events and affects into your life. This is a delicate act of life and one that should be taken more seriously than it has been and is today.

Marriage is or should be based on love and this love is what makes the act of sex that much more meaningful and emotional for the two people involved. Sex is the physical act of love. It is an act to show the person how much you love them and express it to them in this way. Of course a marriage can work without the act of sex if both partners are in agreement with this decision. If this decision is solely made by one partner than you will find increased tension in your relationship and the end is not far ahead. Marriage is not based around the act of sex but there are many positive affects that sex brings to a marriage and to a couple. It is an act that makes you closer, not only in a physical way but mentally and spiritually as well.

Marriage and sex do go hand and hand in a happy marriage, but many people will find that sex can bring up negative events if not taken seriously. This is a physical act to show your love for your partner and should be used for nothing else.

There are many negative influences in the world today which show and tell peoples that having sex with a large amount of people may be exciting or even the cool thing to do. If this is something that you believe or have contemplated in the past, it is time to correct this way of thinking. Sex is something that should be taken very seriously. This is the time to ignore the press and the media and do what you think is really right. It just makes sense that sex would be that much better and that much more special when it is with someone you love and truly care about. When it is spelled out like this there is no way anyone should want to take part in sex with anyone less than someone they love. If you do not have a love to share this act with, do not be impatient, your time will come and when you find this special person you will never want to let them go!