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Sexless Marriage

Marriage is something that has been associated with sex for many years now. Today it has been recognized that the act of sex is not necessary to conduct a happy and successful relationship and marriage. Marriage is a relationship that is based on love and nothing more; the act of sex does not have to be incorporated in marriage if there is enough love there to sustain the relationship.

There are not many marriages today that base their relationship on the principle of no sex, but there are some that have conducted their marriage in this way and experienced a happy and successful marriage together. These types of marriages tend to be more religious than others. Their religion is the number one reason why sex is not part of their marriage. There are many religions today which acquire this belief and the people who base their lives around this religion follow its beliefs to the tee. Sex is the physical act to express and show your love to your partner, but there are many other ways to express this love to them without having sex.

Sexless marriages require the consent and agreement of both spouses in order for it to work. If only one person decides that they will not be having sex, than the other person is instantly filled with resentment and confusion. This is something that will hurt their feelings and make them question the love between them if the issue is not explained. This type of marriage can only work if both spouses make the decision together and are happy about it. If there is any doubt by either spouse, this marriage cannot work in this way.

The decision to have a sexless marriage is a big decision. It not only excludes the idea of the physical act of love but it also excludes reproduction. This is a detail that needs to be thought out before you make this decision. It is very hard to make the decision of whether or not you want children or not because it is very possible that you or your spouse may change their mind down the road and will feel that it is too late by this time. There are of course many other ways to raise children without having sex. You can choose to adopt or to be implanted with sperm from your husband. These are alternatives that can be chosen if you, as a married couple, decide to have a sexless marriage.

These types of marriage can be just as successful as other marriages, but they may seem more difficult at first. Sex is an action that really does express love and if you do not replace this expression of love with another act, than you may find that you and your spouse are not as close and connected as many other couples. Once you find something that you can use as your expression of love, than you too will begin to feel as close and connected as other couples.

There are different challenges in every marriage, if you take them on in the right way they will no longer seem like challenges!