When a person is raped, they often complain of feeling “dirty” and want to immediately scrub themselves clean. If the victim wants to report the assault to the police the necessary forensic testing for evidence gathering requires the victim to not shower until evidence has been collected. This can be a double violation. Being subjected to even more personal intrusion, the victims long to scrub their bodies clean. Hospitals offer bathroom facilities and staff are usually compassionate and accommodating.
While most of us can immediately understand the emotional and mental health cost of rape, have you ever considered the financial cost of providing “clean up” materials for the men and women who have to endure forensic testing? Not only do victims lose their underwear, and often-other items of clothing, to evidence collection but also they lose their dignity and comfort by having to use hospital issue toiletries.
Many rape crisis centers or service groups supply nice toiletries – decent soaps, shampoos, toothpaste, etc. These come at a cost though. Community agencies are not always well funded and I know of many occasions when there has been insufficient funds to top up the toiletry supply.
When we travel and stay in motels, we have already paid for the convenience bathroom items supplied. If you do not use them yourself, why not consider taking them home with you and donating them to a service club or agency that supplies rape crisis centers or domestic violence shelters with “comfort packs.”
I have attended many rape call outs as a support person. The appreciation of a victim being able to wash their hair with nice smelling shampoo, bath their body in soft fragrant soap, or even put soothing body lotion on their battered body, is enormous. From a mental health point of view, entering a hospital battered and leaving smelling nice makes a difference to recovery. A small difference, yes, but at the time the difference is huge.
Please, next time you travel, bring home those little treasures and give them to a group who can put them to good use. For those who want to do something more, new underwear is also always appreciated. It does not matter what size underwear you supply, people of all ages and sizes are sexually assaulted. Your donation can be put to excellent use for someone who has been hurt.
It’s Sexual Violence Awareness Month in Queensland, Australia. This is a good month to consider a small thing that you can do to assist a person you may never know. From small things, big things grow.
Related articles and forum threads:
Recovery From a Rape. YOU Can Immediately Help.