Do you have a child who is a reluctant talker? Do you just know that something is bothering him, but you cannot get him to open up to you? Some children are cautious about sharing their feelings. Depending on the personality of the child he or she just may be quiet when they are bothered by something. On the other hand, some children may act out when they feel troubled about something. If you can get them to talk to you about it you can then begin to solve the problem. If they hold it inside then it is likely to become worse.
Playing with puppets is a great way to unlock what is going on inside a child’s mind without them even realizing what is taking place. Even when everything seems fine with a child you can find out a great deal of how they feel about people, life and other things just by playing puppets with them.
Considering purchasing a couple of puppets if your child does not already have them. Start playing with your child with puppets at an early age, if possible. After they get to be a certain age, of course, they are not going to want to play with them anymore. Playing with puppets is fun at any time, but it is especially helpful when your child is experiencing some type of emotion, such as worry, sadness, grief and/or anger. When this occurs the puppet that Mom or Dad is playing with can ask questions and give advice to the child on what he or she could do to help make the problem better.
Helping children to get their feelings out is extremely important. It is our job as parents to provide them with a comfort zone so that they are able to do this.