Shavuos Treats for the Lactose-Intolerant
Many people love the vast array of cheesecakes and blintzes that are set out on the table after the Shavuos service. However, some people are unable to partake of dairy foods, because of lactose intolerance. How can one keep the Shavuos custom of eating “dairy” foods while avoiding actual dairy?
There are many different kinds of lactose intolerance. Some people are able to take something before eating dairy to lessen the irritating effects that result after drinking milk or eating cheese. However, you will want to consult with your rabbi whether or not you should take such a medicine on Jewish holidays (which are governed by many of the same restrictions that accompany Shabbat).
Baruch Hashem (thank G-d) for the soy revolution! I don’t know how the lactose intolerant coped before the advent of toffuti and similar products, except maybe by refraining from “dairy” altogether. You can indulge in your creamy favorites, such as tofutti “ice cream”, cheesecake and cream cheese without worrying about stomach irritation. Try replacing these products instead of the cream cheese you might ordinarily use blintzes or cheesecake. It isn’t only those who are lactose intolerant who enjoy soy “dairy”, but some people prefer soy cream cheese on a bagel to regular cream cheese. Soy is a great and more healthful alternative to many “parve” ice creams and other false dairy products which may use a lot of chemicals. Experiment with tofu “dairy” products, and see what you like best. Below is a recipe for a Soy Cheesecake from my friend, Sara Goldenberg:
PAREVE CHEESECAKE-from the Flatbush TV Times
2 tubs Tofutti cream cheese, plain
1 cup sugar
2 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
1 graham cracker crust
1 can pie filling or chocolate chips or chocolate sauce
Preheat oven to 350 degrees, mix first five ingredients well (and
chips, if using). Pour into pie shell. Swirl with chocolate sauce if
you are using it.
Bake 35 – 40 minutes until light brown.
Allow to cool, add pie filling to top (if you didn’t use the chips)
and refrigerate or freeze. Enjoy!
Makes one 8 inch or 9 inch cheesecake.